Release notes & Changelog

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November 7, 2022
What's new

Now your links in xTiles documents are even more stylish! Create your own collections of books, movies, purchases with the card view — it's visually clearer.

Links have three views now: text, bookmark and card. It's very convenient, try it out!

Now your links in xTiles documents are even more stylish

Another way to organize your documents! Now we have placeholders for basic blocks.

You can find these blocks in the general menu of creating blocks, which is initiated by pressing (+) to the left of an empty block or inputting "/" in it. There go types of the new placeholders:

  • YouTube block;
  • Image block;
  • Bookmark (link) block;
  • File;
  • Audio.
Another way to organize your documents

More colorfulness! xTiles pages can now be styled. It further improves navigation in a document.

xTiles pages can now be styled

Did you reach your block limits but not ready to pay yet? Use our referral program:

Share a personal link with your friends. You will receive additional blocks as soon as they sign up.

Did you reach your block limits but not ready to pay yet

If you're fond of Markdown (or just appreciate every second), now you have a faster way to create Heading 1 and Heading 2 blocks.

It's very simple: in empty block, start writing "# " for Heading 1 or "## " to create Heading 2.

If you're fond of Markdown (or just appreciate every second), now you have a faster way to create Heading 1 and Heading 2 blocks

Your Favorites are now always at hand.

Favorites now appear as a separate category on the list of workspaces in the left panel and on the workspaces page.

Your Favorites are now always at hand

Mobile App

  • Blocks multi-selection, their subsequent copying, duplication, deletion and conversion;
  • Paste blocks keeping their formatting;
  • Copying and sharing tile into other apps;
  • Markdown export.

What's improved

Web App and Desktop App:

  • Initiating numbered lists with any number;
  • Fuzzy search with keywords in the general menu of creating blocks;
  • Quote block styles;
  • Placeholder "Untitled" in document titles;
  • UX on login and signup pages;
  • UX of export ;
  • Readable file names after export or file download;
  • Hotkeys:
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Up/Down arrow — moves block(s) along a tile;
  • Ctrl/Cmd + C and Ctrl/Cmd + X now copy/cut content of a block if the cursor's in it.

Mobile App

  • Full-screen mode and zoom for images. Save image;
  • Conversion panel of selected blocks;
  • Synced logic of the Recent category with its web version.

Download the iOS app here, and the Android app here

Bug Fixes
Previous releases: